Like most artists, I knew from an early age this is what I was suppose to do with my life. Yet that is not where life took me for over 4 decades, so I am finally returning to whom I was suppose to be and moving forward with great zeal. Okay, so along with the zeal is a boat load of learning how to stop doubting, stop judging and stop comparing and just CREATE.
Creating for me is seeing. It is the visualization in my head, which somehow from mind to hand magically appears on the chosen surface. Most artists refer to that process as being in the flow. It is a place where time vanishes, thinking evaporates, distraction is non-existent and all the energy flows into the creation. I think it is a magical place. It is the place I want to go to each and everyday. Oh, how I wish I could but that is not how art happens. This muse of mine is fickle at times. I have stood before my easel with no amount of flow forthcoming. It is a right side of the brain road block. It is the greatest form of frustration to endure when all I want to do is create. Where does the right side of my brain go in these tormenting hours? Why must this be? I think Vincent Van Gogh had a rather good answer to this dilemma. And, I might add, that it is rather reassuring to know he had tormented painting days too. He said that on days when he painted with the most awful outcomes that is when he knew, that the only choice was to paint more and more until flow returned. So now on brain lock days, I think of Vincent and smile, knowing the flow will come if I am quiet, patient and painting.
My medium of choice is soft radiant pastels. I love how they feel in my hand. I love the mess they leave behind in my hand. I love the velvety texture of moving them across a surface and the way they smudge and blend. I like the hard edge of a clean line or the soft edge and how if creates so much atmosphere. There is a inner joy much like a child with finger paints that is imbued in me. It glows and spills over into every cell and into the pastel itself. I can be four again and be as messy as I like and create something extraordinary with a small stick of radiant color pigment.
Not to long ago, I bought 14 frames at an art store, that was clearing out an inventory. They were gold, ornate and garish, nothing I would every buy but there was something about them that compelled me to collect up 14 of them. The thought came to me that if I could fill all of them, I would have a body of work that I could sell via a variety of venues. So I packed them into my car hoping I would see this crazy idea through. Sharing this idea with a life coach, blogging the process was suggested. I loved the idea from the very moment it was mentioned. (Anyone in search of a wonderful life coach, should check into So here I am at my very beginning, perhaps you'll come along, on a new path, to my new life, with self-trust and self- confidence enough to create the 14 frames.
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